Sunday, August 22, 2010

That's a Nice Pair of Legs

I have heard many people attempt to identify the quality of a wine by analyzing whether the "legs" are good or not. Firstly, what are good "legs"? Are they long and toned? Short and plump? Whatever good "legs" are they are in no way an indication of whether a wine is good or not.

When people talk about "legs" they are referring to the dripping of the wine down the inside of a glass when the wine is swirled. Overall, "legs", according to The Wine Bible, are a "complex phenomenon related to the rate at which liquids evaporate and the difference in surface tension between water and the wine's alcohol content (MacNeil)." In layman's terms: "legs" are an indication of the amount of alcohol in the wine and the related viscosity. Overall, "legs" have nothing to do with whether a wine is good or not. 

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